Friday, March 28, 2008

Well, as predicted I failed miserably with my blogging attempt. I guess I'll give it another go...
Spring break will sadly be coming to a close in the next couple of days. This vacation was nothing out of the ordinary, however, it came just in time. The semester started out fine, even better than the fall, but somehow February and March turned ugly. And by ugly I mean informative. So informative I think I failed to grasp how informed I was. Nonetheless, after studying more than I wanted to, I passed the cardiology and renal modules (I'm trying to savor the small victories).
Monday we jump into! Actually, I am hoping my previous lab life will come in handy...

4 more months of relentless cramming and then I start my clinical phase. I keep thinking about it as the light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm beginning to realize it won't be easier...just different. A good different I hope. A now-put-it-all-together different.
One thing school has done is keep my mind very distracted. Sometimes its difficult to remember there is a whole world outside of my classroom. I love hearing from everyone, and living vicariously through them. I can at least dream I'm starting fresh in Alaska...or...uh...Hawaii. I'm sure you all dream of living in Pocatello!

Actually, come fall Hannah and I will be moving to Boise. It should be interesting living with her and my mom. It will be nice to hang out with the family for a year, especially with a little niece on the way. We had a "baby shower" (aka bbq) last weekend for Melissa and Seth. It certainly was fun to have the anticipatory excitement of new life, especially this time of year.

Today Hannah and Mom left to spend the night in Twin Falls, leaving me to my own devices. Its actually the first day I have had to myself since break started. Its been quite refreshing. I went for a run that felt more like a battle with the wind. The wind won. I had a nice walk. I have missed walking since anyone without snow shoes is under house arrest here in the winter. I like how it helps me think through the different challenges and hopes in my life. I didn't solve anything today, but I did take time for acknowledgment. I suppose its a start...

1 comment:

erin said...

Ha. just when I thought you would never blog again...hope rises from the dust. Erin and I agree you should continue the trend of today, i.e. blog more.
-kt (and erin)